Carpet Cleaning Wet Vs. Dry

It may surprise some, but carpet cleaners can use more than just one cleaning method spotless carpet. In essence, there are two methods to choose from: one is “wet” and the other “dry”. People are often curious about the difference. Although the primary difference is obviously that the one method uses more water, the other has a few more steps. The carpet must be vacuumed before you begin either method. Cleaning is made easier by vacuuming the carpet first.

Water-based Cleaning Our first method is wet cleaning. According to their name, the wet methods are the ones that use most water. Two main methods are available – steam cleaning and washing.

Shampooing is a method that involves washing your carpet. This foam is sprayed onto the carpet by the machine. This action stirs up the dirt. Dirt is trapped by the shampoo after it has been stirred. Once the carpet is dry, vacuum it. The dried shampoo removes the dirt, stains and other contaminants that had been stuck to the carpet fibres.

Steam cleaning also falls under wet carpet cleaning. When steam cleaning your carpet, the cleaner uses a combination of hot water with detergent. This helps to loosen the dirt. After this, a special vacuum will be used to remove all the water.

Dry cleaning This method involves spreading a powdery solution over the carpet, and massaging it into its fibers. Powder consists mainly of detergent, a solvent for dissolving it, and an absorbent. There is a tiny amount of moisture in the powder. Powders with a unique composition can be used as powerful cleaning agents. It is then vacuumed after it has been sprinkled on the carpet.

Pros and Cons of Each Surface cleaning is referred to as dry-cleaning. Dry cleaning does not penetrate as far as a traditional wet-cleaning. Faster is the main advantage. It may take 12 to 24 hour for a cleaning solution to completely dry. The downside is that it takes a while to dry. The benefit, as previously mentioned, is the fact that it is more intense and thorough. Therefore, it is worth waiting for.

Standard Cleaning Process Many professional cleaners follow a process similar to what is outlined in the below. They survey the surface to be cleaned, to identify the dirt and stain types and how they are likely to affect it.

They then vacuum to get rid of as much as “easy” dust as they can.

Following vacuuming the carpet, they condition it with a special cleaning solution. It will emulsify the biomaterials, dirt and dust that are suspended.

After that, they should agitate all the foot-trafficked areas. This helps loosen dirt.

They rinse out the solutions they applied to Step 3 after vigorous agitation. It leaves no residue on the fibers. When there are stubborn stains, the stain removers will be used. If needed, the areas will be “dwelled in” so that spot removers are able to really work. Once the time period has elapsed, rinse the carpet to remove the spot removal products.

Once all stains and dirt have been cleaned out of the carpet, many people apply a product similar to Dupont’s Teflon® Advanced Fiber Protection for Carpets. Many recommend this optional step.
Spotless Carpet Cleaning North Shore
1-5 Lynbara Ave, St Ives NSW 2075
(02) 8607 8811

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